About the Author

Guillaume Lavaure started working in the industry in 1999 and he is specialized in the field of condition monitoring. He is a graduate engineer from Polytech Savoie in France. Ten years in the LafargeHolcim group led him in various countries (including in South America and Africa) to lead maintenance operations and provide technical expertise in conditional maintenance, to ensure the productivity of cement plants. As a user of vibration analysis solutions, he joined Acoem in 2011 as product manager for online acquisition systems. He contributed to the development of Accurex™, a tool to automatically diagnose the health of rotating machines, through the exploitation of Bayesian networks and field expertise. Particularly attentive to the user experience, he contributes to the aesthetic and ergonomic improvement of OneProd brand products. Since 2014, he is involved in the development of wireless vibration sensors for the smart industry.