Welcome to the home of reliability improvement; RELIABILITY CONNECT! The community is designed to provide you with educational articles, videos, and podcasts...
In this podcast we will look at the importance of 1) setting high, but realistic expectations, 2) executing your strategy and plan effectively, and 3) engaging the shop floor in supporting meeting these expectations through their effective engagement in executing the strategy.
In this podcast, we’ll discuss how to make the most of conferences. In most conferences there are far more presentations, and far more exhibitors than anyone can attend. We’ll offer some guidelines on selecting the presentations, getting the most from exhibits, and generally getting high value from your attendance.
In today’s episode, we’re going to chat about a novel and exciting approach to safety reliability which has been picking up speed in the world of facilities management. The concept is called operator-driven safety and reliability, or ODSR for short.
In this podcast we will look at the strategically important issue in reliability improvement of establishing an organizational culture to both achieve and maintain high reliability performance.
Most organizations talk about defect elimination and root cause analysis, and many have a good process for either or both of these. But are we really dedicating the time and resources needed for effective and sustainable defect elimination?
When I began studying and reviewing reliability best practices, I believed that simply spreading the word about evidence for reliability would narrow the gap between evidence and best practice. However, the more I studied, the clearer it became that some books and technologies are flawed, limited, or biased.
In today’s episode of RED Talks, we will chat about enterprise asset management systems, what they are, and how your organization can utilize such a system to save money, increase efficiency, and improve accountability.
What are the key success factors for becoming a world class operation? Lots of people, especially executives, espouse becoming a world class operation. But what does that mean? How do we know if we are? More importantly, what are the key success factors for achieving world class performance?
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