Even with limited resources and expertise, it is possible to implement an effective Condition Monitoring and diagnostics solution that significantly reduces your hydropower unit's downtime and life cycle costs while increasing reliability, safety, integrity, and efficiency.
In this podcast we will look at the importance of 1) setting high, but realistic expectations, 2) executing your strategy and plan effectively, and 3) engaging the shop floor in supporting meeting these expectations through their effective engagement in executing the strategy.
What if the secret to better asset management was hiding in plain sight? Join us for an exclusive webinar on Operations Driven Safety and Reliability (ODSR), where we’ll reveal how effective strategies can lead to transformative improvements in safety, reliability, and operational efficiency.
In this session, we’ll discuss Industry 4.0, which includes IoT and AI, along with a host of other tools and techniques. All these provide for, or at least promise, greater interconnectivity, ease of data collection and analysis, and overall improved productivity and competitiveness in the workforce.
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