
Condition Monitoring of Rotary Screw Compressors with HD Technology

Håkan Hedlund | Senior Application Engineer, SPM Instrument AB
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Webinar Description: 
In this webinar, we’ll take a look at six specific case studies for condition monitoring of rotary screw compressors. HD condition monitoring technologies have made this quite easy and reliable.

• Many rotating parts with different RPMs in the same machine makes it difficult to identify the origins of the measured signal and keep track of the signals of interest.
• Signals from rotating part is “interfered” by the signals generated from the compression of the air
• Fast variation of RPM during data acquisition can occur. Due to resonances, measured signals may not be” linear” to RPM variations
• Load variation during measurements is common
• It can be difficult to attach a transducer in a suitable way for picking up high frequency signals.
• Frequency controlled motors can generate a wide variety of signal patterns that can be challenging to interpret.

About the Presenter:
Håkan Hedlund, born in 1960, has an education as a Control System Engineer and Electronics Engineer. For over 30 years he has been active in the condition monitoring field at SPM Instrument, working in both world-wide sales, education and product development. He is a certified vibration analyst according to ISO CAT III. Today Håkan is a Senor Applications Engineer, part of the Strategic Sales and Applications expert group at SPM Instrument focusing on developing key areas and markets, knowledge and difficult applications.

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About the Author

Håkan Hedlund Senior Application Engineer, SPM Instrument AB

Håkan Hedlund, born in 1960, has an education as a Control System Engineer and Electronics Engineer. For over 30 years he has been active in the condition monitoring field at SPM Instrument, working in both world-wide sales, education and product development. He is a certified vibration analyst according to ISO CAT III. Today Håkan is a Senor Applications Engineer, part of the Strategic Sales and Applications expert group at SPM Instrument focusing on developing key areas and markets, knowledge and difficult applications.