
Camera Sensing in Reliability Programs

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About the Author

Jeff Hay CEO, RDI Technologies

Jeff graduated from the University of Louisville in 2011 with a Doctorate in Physics where his research focused heavily on Applied Optical Physics. After graduation he took a position as a Research Engineer with the University of Louisville where his roles focused on data acquisition, signal processing, software development, and data analysis. Several of the grants Dr. Hay participated in required commercialization strategies of which he spearheaded. While at the University he invented a technology to measure motions remotely with the use of video camera, a technology that was patented in 2011. In 2013 Dr. Hay left the University to start RDI, LLC to bring the technology he invented out of the University and into commercial markets. He took on the role of CEO of RDI and licensed the technology from the University of Louisville. In addition to this he has worked with sub-licensees to assist in commercialization of the technology within their organizations.