About the Author

Johan Arvidsson has been with SPM Instrument since 2002. He started with the company as a market communicator, working with technical documentation, presentations, advertising and market communications. In 2007 he transferred to the sales department and his new role Sales Engineer, focusing on the Swedish market. He has been involved in projects in all kinds of industries, but the largest customer group is the Swedish pulp & paper industry. With a strong market focus, Johan has helped drive SPM Instrument AB and the sales in the Swedish division toward record numbers. Today Johan is a Key Account Manager, focusing on developing key areas, knowledge and managing key customer groups. Johan is certified in Vibration analysis according to ISO CAT III.
Hello Mr. John, I am a student at the University of Oran in Algeria, and the subject of my graduation memo is about examining vibrations. Can you help me? I need an article about examining the vibrations of a machine