A One Day, No Cost, Reliability Training Event that will Ignite your Reliability Journey.
WHAT IS IT?Arrive by 8:00 am, leave at 3:00 PM, and learn all about how to establish (or revive) and run a successful reliability improvement program. THERE IS NO CHARGE TO ATTEND! Optionally watch videos on-line (no-charge) and take the Asset Reliability Practitioner (ARP) Advocate exam ($275*) between 3:30 pm and 5:30 pm |
WHERE IS IT?Coming to a city near you! And if there isn’t one near you, contact us at learn@MobiusInstitute.com and you can learn on-line. WE DECIDED TO MAKE IT EASY! Learning about reliability improvement can require training courses, numerous conference visits, and hours of Google searches. Join us at a JumpStart your Reliability Journey event and get up to speed quickly. |
Knowledge drives competence, confidence and ultimately, success.
Organizations with reliable equipment experience fewer safety and environmental incidents, enjoy lower costs and plant equipment performs at a higher level for increased production output and greater dependability. But how do you achieve higher reliability? Many organizations have tried – and most have failed.
You need to hear the whole story:
- the strategy
- the business case
- overcoming major challenges
- the internal support required
- and the technologies used
JumpStart your Reliability Journey workshops take you through that process, in one concise presentation, so you can launch your program on solid footing. Learn the whole reliability story from experienced practitioners in a city near you, with an option to be certified.*
Invite your colleagues and reliability leaders to attend with you!
To gain the greatest value, do not come alone – you will be frustrated if you have to explain what you have just learned to others who don’t yet get it – especially if they still don’t get it. There is no charge to attend and it will be well worth the time.
Our goal with the JumpStart events is to set you up for success. No, a one-day workshop will not give you all the information to establish a reliability improvement program, but it will prepare you for the challenge ahead, and provide you with the “language” of reliability. You can decide what you should do next – take additional training, engage consultants, or go it alone – but you can do that with your eyes wide open. The workshop does not serve to sell you on training or consulting, it is to empower you to determine the path forward understanding your organization’s situation, and the skills and experience that your employees have.
The content delivered in the JumpStart Your Reliability Journey events is aligned with the Asset Reliability Transformation [ART] process, which is aligned with the Asset Reliability Practitioner [ARP] training and certification program established by the Mobius Institute Board of Certification [MIBoC] Scheme and Technical Committees. This training is delivered all over the world by Mobius Institute, and it can also be taken on-line.
We want to help you succeed in your reliability journey. The qualified partners delivering the workshops offer on-going training and consulting services that can provide additional knowledge, advice, and assistance, should you need it. – there is no financial relationship between Mobius Institute and the partners in relation to those services or the Reliability JumpStart sessions. If you don’t need assistance, that’s fine, you will learn a great deal from the workshop, and even more from the complimentary Asset Reliability Practitioner (ARP) – Advocate videos that are included when you register.
You can continue your learning for free at www.cbmconnect.com and www.reliabilityconnect.com (both in English and Español) global online knowledge sharing communities for CBM Professionals & Reliability Improvement Leaders, that can be customized to fit your learning pathway.
About Mobius Institute:
Mobius Institute is a worldwide provider of Reliability Improvement, Condition Monitoring and Precision Maintenance education to plant managers, reliability engineers and condition monitoring technicians. Mobius Institute has trained and provided accredited certification to over 35,000 practitioners all over the world. Mobius Institute offers easily understandable and comprehensive training in public, in plant and online, in addition to fantastic worldwide training conferences. Learn more about Mobius Institute.